Friday, July 25, 2014

Racing Recaps with Rachel

Hello blogosphere.  Hopefully by now, you’ve realized my lapse in entries (while irritating) is somewhat normal, and I did not, in fact, die while running the Peachtree.  I (mostly) hit my time goal, I got a t-shirt in the size I wanted, and I got to spend the day with my best friend.  Victory!
Race Recap
 I actually managed to get six hours sleep.  I wasn’t expecting to be able to sleep at all, but I woke up about 2:30 and was just raring to go.  Like all nerds and good racers, I didn’t have much to do at 2:30 as I’d packed my race gear and K-Taped my legs before going to bed.  But even at that hour, people were awake so I indulged in some late-night texting and Facebooking (apparently Jaclyn was having the same sleep issues I was) and read for awhile.
For those of you who’ve never participated in the Peachtree, the order of the day is “Hurry up and wait.”  And strategic parking is a must.  Some people like to park at the starting line of the race and take the Marta back to their cars (there are also more parking spaces from what I can tell).  However, the flaw in this plan is at the end of the race, you’re stuck in Marta cars with 60,000 other fools who just ran 6.2 miles in July.
Jaclyn and I decided the smart thing to do is to park at the end of the race, and we found the world’s sketchiest parking lot (that we missed the turn for three times—this is normal).  So we Marta-ed, got to the start in plenty of time to hydrate and find my start wave.
One of the many things that’s so awesome about my bestie is that while she is one of the most competitive people I know (and I work with lawyers), the truth is she just loves running and she loves to run with people she cares about.  So while she had the option of an earlier start time and the chance to hit a PR, she stayed with me and my bad shins and kept up a steady stream of conversation the entire (literally) 6.2 miles.  I am not entirely sure I could have finished without her by my side.  And truthfully, it meant a lot more to finish my first race in 3+ with my best friend anyway. 
Also making the day awesome: Cason got up wicked early, drove down from Snellville, and waited by herself in Midtown just to cheer Jac and I on for a few brief seconds.  A random and welcome sighting of one of my co-worker/friends made getting through the half-way point a reality.  And Mom and some other of my co-workers were crowd-control volunteers at the finish line, so my day was filled with people I care about.
Sadly they ran out of post-race bananas and peaches, but I did get Powerade and popsicles (and alliteration), so #winning.
Post-race, Jaclyn and I ate more calories than humans should at the Waffle House and we parted ways until the Enners Family Barbecue that evening at her parents’ house.  I brought an epically awesome potato salad  and I say this as someone who didn’t even like potato salad until I made this.  Of course, Mrs. Enners, in typical mom fashion, sent all of us home with a ton of food.

For my next running adventure, Jaclyn’s already picked out our next race.  Cason made the comment in front of Jaclyn that she would love to do something like the Peachtree next year.  Jac doesn’t take these sort of statements as idle musings; less than two days later, she found the Vinings Downhill 5K which is a Peachtree qualifier, so next year, I won’t have to start in the W’s. 
Me, Jaclyn, Cason
Me and my shirt
Me and Mom

Me and my bestie