Maybe you heard: Atlanta had some snow. So I've been stuck in my apartment for the last couple of days. I may also hold the distinction of being the only person in the city to make it home in 20 minutes on Tuesday (aka the day the snow and ice came). I knew my low-rent apartment located 1.5 miles away from the office would pay off in spades one day. Most people were not as lucky, including my mom who took 23 hours to get home, and slept in her car (this is why we both carry emergency supplies in our respective vehicles).
Anyway, it hasn't been so terrible. Buca and I had been Netflix-binging, reading, and sleeping 9-10 hours a day. You may have also noticed the "I'm single/childless" subtext of that sentence. *Shrug* The only thing I've run out of was dog food, so my critter has been eating cornflakes and snacks of peanut butter in his birthday Kong.
One unforeseen benefit of being home and stranded is it's a surprisingly excellent time to start a diet. Background: there's an attorney in the city who's opposing counsel in a large number of cases our firm takes. She really likes and respects my dad, and her sister passed away from cancer a few years ago, so she sort of took me under her wing, sending me little gifts after every round of chemo and radiation. I hadn't seen her in some time when we went to lunch a few weeks ago and she looked fantastic, having lost at least 20 pounds. I was interested in her secrets and she wonderfully decided to take me on as her dieting protegee. She's been doing some combination of The Thin Commandments and The South Beach Diet and so she gave me copies of both and told me to read the first four commandments and and Phase 1.
Blah blah blah... I'm four days into South Beach and it's not terrible.... Okay, that's totally a lie. Diets suck. I have semi-lustful feelings for carbs and anyone who believes "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" is obviously eating the wrong stuff. I like vegetables. I like healthy food, I just get a little resentful when someone says it's all I can have. Among other things, I miss my favorite TV snack of real popcorn with a bit of butter and salt. Phase 1 of South Beach is only two weeks, and I can live two weeks without most carbs and red wine. And while I don't have to like it, I will like smaller, cuter dresses.
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